Team publications

The book (2016) Urban Oman – Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area edited by Dr. Sonja Nebel and Aurel von Richthofen in the series HABITAT – INTERNATIONAL: Schriften zur internationalen Stadtentwicklung Vol. 21 can be purchased at LIT Verlag Berlin.

Scholz, W. (2021). Appropriate Housing Typologies, Effective Land Management and the Question of Density in Muscat, Oman. Sustainability, 13(22), 12751. Cite Download
Scholz, W., Kaiser, M., & Pallasch, M. (2021). The Potentials and Risks of Wadis in Cities in the Gulf Region. In J. Martinez, C. A. Mikkelsen, & R. Phillips (Eds.), Handbook of Quality of Life and Sustainability (pp. 497–520). Springer International Publishing. Cite
Annisa, S. (2020). Understanding the Housing Needs of Low-Skilled Bangladeshi Migrants in Oman. In M. El Soufi, J. Fokdal, A. Ley, A. U. Rahman, & R. Rolnik (Eds.), Housing and Human Settlements in a World of Change. Cite
von Richthofen, A. (2019). Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman [Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig]. Cite
Cummings, V., von Richthofen, A., & Babar, Z. (2019). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Cummings, V., von Richthofen, A., & Babar, Z. (Eds.). (2019). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Al Gharibi, H. (2019). Urban Growth Within a Finite Space: Case-study Muscat. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Windecker, G. (2019). Virtual Space and the Rise of the Public Sphere: Social Media in the Sultanate of Oman. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Scholz, W., & Langer, S. (2019). Spatial Development of Muscat/Oman and Challenges of Public Transport. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Tomarchio, L. (2019). Mapping human landscapes in Muscat, Oman, with Social Media Data. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Didero, M., Nebel, S., & Pfaffenbach, C. (2019). Urban structures and daily mobility patterns in a city of long distances—the case of Muscat/Oman. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 40(3), 361–386. Cite
Heim, B., Joosten, M., von Richthofen, A., & Rupp, F. (2018). Land-Allocation and Clan-Formation in Modern Residential Developments in Oman. City, Territory and Architecture, 5(1). Cite Download
Heim, B., Joosten, M., von Richthofen, A., & Rupp, F. (2018). On the Process and Economics of Land Settlement in Oman: Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning in Urban Planning and Design. Homo Oeconomicus, 35(1), 1–30. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2018). A Critical Reconstruction of Modern Urban Settlement Patterns in Muscat and Al Bāţinah based on Military Maps. The Journal of Oman Studies, 19, 85–100. Cite Download
Cummings, V., & von Richthofen, A. (2017). Urban Sustainability as a Political Instrument in the Gulf Region exemplified at Projects in Abu Dhabi. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 148(4), 253–267. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2016). No urban desert! Emergence and transformation of extended urban landscapes in Oman. In Vanessa Miriam Carlow & Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU, TU Braunschweig (Eds.), Ruralism - The Future of Villages and Small Towns in an Urbanizing World (p. 296). Jovis. Cite Download
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urban sustainability in the Omani context. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 249–258). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Modelling low-rise high-density neighbourhoods in Oman. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 191–202). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Parameters of urban expansion in Oman. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 109–126). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Patterns of urban growth and expansion: the Al Khoud case study. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 91–108). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urbanisation in Oman – Background and trends. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 25–36). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urban Oman - Editorial. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 15–20). LIT Verlag. Cite Download
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (Eds.). (2016). Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21). LIT Verlag. Cite
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Visualizing Urban Form as Mass Ornament in Muscat Capital Area. In N. Mounajjed (Ed.), Visual Culture(s) in the Gulf: An Anthology (pp. 137–158). Gulf Research Centre. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A., & Langer, S. (2015). Evaluating the urban development and determining “peak-space” of Muscat Capital Area. Trialog – Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World, 111(Urbanisation in the Gulf Countries). Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2015). Desert Sprawl. Rapid urbanisation: the transformation of the desert in Oman. Topos, the International Review of Landscape, Architecture and Urban Design, 93, 96–101. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2015). Oman’s Urban Turn. In ETH Studio Basel (Ed.), Muscat and Oman - engineered land, a territorial research. ETH-Zürich. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2014). Vanishing Omani Landscapes. Topos, the International Review of Landscape, Architecture and Urban Design. Cite
von Richthofen, A. (2014). Oman - das Gegen-Dubai? Baumeister, 14, 82–89. Cite Download
Gharibi, H. A. (2014). Urban Growth from Patchwork to Sustainability. Case Study: Muscat [Dissertation]. Cite Download
Nebel, S. (2014). Tourism and Urbanization in Oman: Sustainable and Socially Inclusive? In S. Wippel, K. Bromber, C. Steiner, & B. Krawietz (Eds.), Under construction: logics of urbanism in the Gulf Region. Ashgate. Cite
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2014). Towards Sustainable Urbanization Patterns in Oman (Final Report No. CBS-ORG-09-001). The Research Council Oman. Cite
Soloman, S. (2013). Good Governance and Sustainability in Residential Land Administration in Muscat, Oman [Master]. TU Berlin. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A., & Scholz, W. (2013). Oman National Spatial Strategy (ONSS) with focus on urbanisation. Supreme Committee of Planning. Cite
Abdelaal, S. M. (2013). Rural urban linkages for a Sustainable Oman: The Case study of transformation in Fanja. TU Berlin. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Space and Politics of Urbanization in Muscat Capital Area. Politics and Space. Cite
van Esch, E. J. (2011). Students’ stories: Omani students in Muscat about their home, family and aspirations [Master]. Utrecht University. Cite Download
von Richthofen, A., Gronning, O., Baumeister, J., Gaube, H., Aziz, H., & Bontenbal, M. (2010). Consultant to Norplan Oman for the Mutrah Re-Development and Master-Planning. Cite
Al Gharibi, H. (2010). Planning for the post oil city, case study: Batinah Region, Oman. Cite

TRIALOG 114: Oman – Rapid Urbanisation
From the editorial: „Over the past four decades, a continuous process of urbanisation has been fostered by socio-economic transformation, dynamic population growth, and an increase of the foreign workforce. The authors of this issue are all scholars who have worked in and on Oman as university teachers and researchers. They touch upon the speci c social, economic, and environmental topics of urbanisation in the country, as well as upon planning and urban design related aspects, focusing for the most part on the Muscat capital area. Typical cases studies from smaller, southern and northern towns of the country complement the current urban development trends portrayed in this TRIALOG issue.“

The issue can be purchased here TRIALOG – A Journal for planning and building in a global context

Additional Resources

De Siqueira, G., & Al Balushi, A. (2020). Co-designing the pedestrian revolution in Muscat. City, Territory and Architecture, 7(1), 11. Cite
Nasiri, N. A., Al-Awadhi, T., Hereher, M., Ahsan, R., & AlRubkhi, A. G. (2020). Changing Urban Ecology a Challenge for Coastal Urban Resilience: A Study on Muscat. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 11(1), 10–28. Cite
Nasiri, N. A., Al-Awadhi, T., Hereher, M., Ahsan, R., & AlRubkhi, A. G. (2020). Changing Urban Ecology a Challenge for Coastal Urban Resilience: A Study on Muscat. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 11(1), 10–28. Cite
Mansour, S., Al-Belushi, M., & Al-Awadhi, T. (2020). Monitoring land use and land cover changes in the mountainous cities of Oman using GIS and CA-Markov modelling techniques. Land Use Policy, 91, 104414. Cite
Mansour, S., Al-Belushi, M., & Al-Awadhi, T. (2020). Monitoring land use and land cover changes in the mountainous cities of Oman using GIS and CA-Markov modelling techniques. Land Use Policy, 91, 104414. Cite
Bastian Schneider. (2019). Quantifizierung der relativen Meeresspiegelentwicklung entlang der Küsten des Omans [PhD Thesis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn]. Cite
Mabry, R., Al Siyabi, H., Kannan, M., & Al Siyabi, A. (2019). Physical activity and the built environment: perceptions of policy-makers in Oman. Health Promotion International. Cite
Mishra, A. (2019). Places in the Making - Abu Dhabi’s Evolving Public Realm in the Context of Place-Branding. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Barau, A. (2019). The Changed City of Mecca: Understanding its Transition to Deep Globalisation. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Eggeling, K. (2019). ‘If you build it, they will come?’ – Future oriented sense-making and the politics of urban space in Qatar. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection. Cite
Elzain, R., & Al Othmani, R. (2019). Approach Towards Localization of Public Spaces Development in Muscat. Resourceedings, 2(1), 14. Cite
Kirk, M. (2016, May 1). Experimenting with Public Transportation in Muscat. The Atlantic - Citylab. Cite
el-Aswad, el-S. (2016). Social and Spatial Organization Patterns in the Traditional House: A Case Study of Al Ain, a City in the UAE. In Y. Elsheshtawy (Ed.), Transformations: The Emirati National House (pp. 190–203). Cite
Alawadi, K. (2016). The Evolving Landscape of Dubai’s National Housing Neighborhoods. In Y. Elsheshtawy (Ed.), Transformations: The Emirati National House (pp. 116–143). Cite
Bani Hashim, A. R. (2016). The History of Planning Residential Neighborhoods in Abu Dhabi: 1961 - 1990. In Y. Elsheshtawy (Ed.), Transformations: The Emirati National House (pp. 48–77). Cite
Elsheshtawy, Y. (Ed.). (2016). Transformations: The Emirati National House. Cite
Wippel, S. (2016). Salalah Globalized: Developing, Fragmenting, and Marketing a ‘Secondary City’ at Spatio-Temporal Interfaces. In G. Katodrytis & S. Syed (Eds.), Gulf Cities as Interfaces. Gulf Research Center. Cite
Baumeister, J., & Ottmann, D. (2016). URBAN:ORGAN – Models for Gulf Cities as Integrated Ecological Systems. In G. Katodrytis & S. Syed (Eds.), Gulf Cities as Interfaces. Gulf Research Center. Cite
Grichting Solder, A., Alamawi, R., & Asadi. (2016). Designing Productive Landscapes in an Emerging Desert Metropolis: Food Systems and Urban Interfaces in Doha. In G. Katodrytis & S. Syed (Eds.), Gulf Cities as Interfaces. Gulf Research Center. Cite
ETH Studio Basel. (2015). Muscat and Oman - engineered land, a territorial research. ETH-Zürich. Cite
Scholz, F. (2014). Muscat: then and now: geographical sketch of a unique Arab town (1st English edition (revised)). Verlag Hans Schiler. Cite
Wippel, S. (Ed.). (2014). Under construction: logics of urbanism in the Gulf Region. Ashgate. Cite
Scholz, F. (2014). Muscat - Then and Now Geographical Sketch of a Unique Arab Town. Schiler, H. Cite
Wippel, S. (Ed.). (2013). Regionalizing Oman: political, economic and social dynamics. Springer. Cite
Gehl, J., & Lærke, J. G. (2013). Oman liveable city report. Cite
Belgacem, M. (2013). Is Littoralization Reconfiguring the Omani Territory? In Regionalizing Oman political, economic and social dynamics. Springer Science+Business Media. Cite
Mokhtar, B. (2011). Marché foncier et espace social à Mascate, Oman. Cybergeo. Cite
Charabi, Y., & Bakhit, A. (2011). Assessment of the canopy urban heat island of a coastal arid tropical city: The case of Muscat, Oman. Atmospheric Research, 101(1–2), 215–227. Cite
Moore, E. aus dem, Kuhnert, N., Ngo, A.-L., & Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Eds.). (2011). Arabisch Stadt: Klimagerechte Planung. In Post-oil city: the history of the city’s future. ARCH+ Verlag. Cite
Moore, E. aus dem, Kuhnert, N., Ngo, A.-L., & Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Eds.). (2011). Masdar City: Klimagerechte Planung. In Post-oil city: the history of the city’s future. ARCH+ Verlag. Cite
Belqacem, M. (2010). Urban Sprawl and City Vulnerability: Where Does Muscat Stand? In Y. Charabi (Ed.), Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change (pp. 233–243). Springer Netherlands. Cite
Al-Lawati, N. (2005). The Omani House - Domestic Space: between Tradition and Modernity. Machintosh School of Architecture. Cite
Scholz, F. (1990). Muscat, Sultanat Oman: Geographische Skizze einer einmaligen Arabischen Stadt. Das Arabische Buch. Cite
Scholz, F. (1980). Sultanate of Oman - Geographical Introduction. Cite
Scholz, F. (1978). Sultanate of Oman - Aerial photo atlas. Cite
Townsend, J. (1977). Oman: the making of a modern state. C. Helm. Cite
Soviet Army. (1975). Al Batinah [Map]. Cite
ONC J-7 - Oman. (1973). ONC J-7 - Oman [Map]. Cite
TPC J-7B. (1964). TPC J-7B, Oman [Map]. Cite
U.S. Army Map. (1945). Muscat and Masirah [Map]. Cite