The exhibition Urban Oman was conceived and produced by the Urban Oman Team. The exhibition was first shown in 2014 at the “Conference Organization: Challenges of Urbanization in Arab Gulf Countries.” at GUtech, Oman. Prominent guests for the inauguration were Saif al Shabibi – Minister of Housing Oman, Claudi Roth – Vice Presidents of the Bundestag and Hans-Christian von Reibnitz – German Ambassador to Oman. It then travelled to RWTH Aachen and to TU Berlin in Germany on the occasion of the book launch in 2016.
The original panels (14 pieces) measure 1,60 x 0,80 cm. The exhibition can be shipped easily. Please get in touch by email if you are interested to show the exhibition panels. Follow the links to download a PDF version. Please cite as follows:
Richthofen, Aurel von, Anne Eaton, and Sonja Nebel. 2014. “Urban Oman Exhibition” GUtech, Oman.